The demand for sustainable solutions determines the future of refrigeration technology. Climate change and shortage of raw materials and energy resources ask for a different way of thinking in the design process of a refrigeration system.
Too often the choice of the system is made on a short term vision. Responsible choices require long-term thinking of consultants, contractors, end users, investors and governments. Sustainably, total cost of ownership and return on investment are issues that should be included in the choice of the system.
In today’s world the use of natural refrigerants like NH3 and CO2 is a natural choice. Responsible choices do not unite with the use of large amounts of synthetic refrigerants. With the knowledge of today we can not play with tomorrow's future.
Worldwide there are several organizations and contractors who promote the use of natural refrigerants. For over 40 years Wijbenga promotes the use of natural refrigerants. That why we say "Naturally the best solution".